
Suffolk Golf Union


Pictured right are the jubilant Bungay and Waveney Valley team after a comprehensive 29 hole Hambro Cup victory over the disappointed Bury St Edmunds team that finished runners up in this their centenary year.

Diss Golf Club was the ideal venue for the occasion with the recent hot and dry spell just starting to be noticeable. From the very start Bungay were in the driving seat as they demonstrated the ability to get up and down on a regular basis giving their opponents no respite. With a comfortable lead at lunchtime Bury skipper Dan Smailes used all his options to reverse the mornings results. However Bungay kept it going and the cup was effectively won some time from the end.

The trophy was awarded by Immediate Past President Martin Youngs who congratulated both sides on their achievements noting that Bungay last won in 1954 so win for the first time in 70 years.

Many thanks to Diss for hosting.


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